Vol.22 No.1 2016

ISSN 1341-5077

Original Papers

Encouragement from Friends after Failures and Recipients’ Subsequent Feelings and Goal Achievement Motivation
Yoshiharu FUKUOKA
Effects of Intermittent Breath Holding during Prolonged Exercise on Ventilation and Blood Lactate Responses
Daisuke KUME, Shogo AKAHOSHI, Risa KURATO, Takashi YAMAGATA,
Toshihiro WAKIMOTO and Taku KODAMA

Short Reports

Correlations between Postpartum Depression, Support, and Affection in Married Couples One Month after Childbirth
Yoshiharu FUKUOKA
Effects of Baby Massage Based on Child’s Temperament Characteristics on Child-Rearing
Yuko TAKEI, Masaharu TERASAKI, Masako KADOTA,
Yoichi OKUTOMI and Itsuko TAKEUCHI


Changes in Relative Exercise Intensity during a Two Hour Endurance Race Using a Tandem-Bicycle for Exercise
Sho ONODERA, Takuma WADA, Yutaro TAMARI, Noboru YOSHIDA,
Sotaro HAYASHI, Hidetaka YAMAGUCHI, Tatsuya SAITO and Akira YOSHIOKA