Vol.24 No.1 2018

ISSN 1341-5077

Original Papers

Effects of the Mother-father Relationship on Loneliness in Late Adolescence: Mediating Roles of Social Skills and Social Support
Yoshiharu FUKUOKA
Evaluation of Asthenopia Caused by Game Consoles
Tetsuko NAMBA, Keiichi TANZAWA, Kanako NAKANO,
Yuka NISHIDA, Hijiri TANABE and Yasuko HAYASHI
Evaluation of the Effects of Frequent Alcohol Administration on Liver Function in Partially Hepatectomized Rats: Serum Changes
Yurika OKAMURA, Hisami ONO and Akifumi ONO
The Influence of Cane Tip Mobility on the Activities of the Upper Limb Muscles and the Load Amount on the Cane during Walking
Daisuke FUJITA, Yosuke YOSHIMURA, Kenichi KOBARA,
Katsutoshi SENO, Hiroshi OSAKA, Yasuyuki NAGATA,
Tadanobu SUEHIRO and Shinsuke MATSUMOTO
Development of YOUSAY the Information Sharing System for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Hisashi MIYAZAKI, Fumiaki MIKAMI, Momoka IWADO,
Sanae ODAGIRI, Tomoko NAMBA, Yuko TAKEI and Masako MORITO

Short Report

Contents of a Program for Schools to Manage the Health of Children Undergoing the Nuss Procedure
Tomoko NAMBA, Mihoko NAKANII, Momoka IWADO,
Sadashige UEMURA and Sho ONODERA