Vol.18 No.1

ISSN 1341-5077

Natural Sciences

Autonomic Responses Associated with Severe Gagging Elicited by Stimulation of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve In Rats
Ryuzo YAMAGATA and Tomoshige KOGA
Influence of Active Fingertip Contact with a Stable Surface on Postural Sway and Electromyographic Activities of the Lower Extremity Muscles Immediately after Descending a Step
Susumu WATANABE, Kenichi KOBARA , Yosuke YOSHIMURA , Hiroshi OSAKA and Hiroshi ISHIDA
The Parametric and Non-parametric Bootstrap Resamplings for the Visual Acuity Measurement
Norihiro MITA , JIAO Jianli, Kazutaka KANI, Akio TABUCHI and Heihachiro HARA