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- オンデマンド講演会
第233回 川崎医学会講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成24年7月2日(月) 17:00・18:00 |
:: 場 所 | 図書館小講堂 |
:: 座 長 | 樋田 一徳 |
「Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in Mouse Airways」
Peter Baluk, Research Specialist
Cardiovascular Research Institute, UCSF
Changes in the blood and lymphatic vasculature contribute to many biological processes such development and pathological conditions including inflammation and cancer. Therefore, it is useful to have in vivo experimental preclinical models where blood vessels and lymphatics can be easily examined and subtle changes in them can be observed. The mouse trachea presents an ideal stage where these vascular actors can play very different roles depending on their developmental age, environment, and stimuli acting on them.