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- オンデマンド講演会
第258回 川崎医学会講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成25年4月30日(火) 17:00・18:00 |
:: 場 所 | 図書館小講堂 |
:: 座 長 | 青木 省三 |
「Getting better at home: Mental health reform and reduction of psychiatric beds in Belgium」
Prof. Dr. Guido Pieters

Belgium still has a high number of psychiatric beds. In 2011, a government-supported movement towards the reduction of these beds and the implementation of community care has started.
The reform, known as ‘article 107’ rests on 3 pillars.
First, the reallocation of money, through the reduction of psychiatric hospital beds, to start mobile teams to support psychiatric patients in the community.
Second, intensified collaboration with primary care workers and organizations and other mental health providers to form a comprehensive regional network, adjusted to regional needs.
And third, the introduction of a recovery view on mental health problems.

In this presentation, the experience of introducing this reform in a Belgian health region with 550 000 population for two and a half years will be described. Both successes and failures in the process of change will be discussed.