- トップぺージ
- 講演会予定
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- オンデマンド講演会
第261回 川崎医学会講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成25年6月21日(金) 16:00・17:00 |
:: 場 所 | 5階3カンファレンス室 |
:: 座 長 | 小曽戸 陽一 |
「Neural stem and progenitor cells and the evolution of the cerebral cortex」
Wieland B. Huttner
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
and Genetics, Dresden, Germany

Our group studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurogenesis in the developing neocortex in the context of mammalian brain evolution, specifically the various types of cortical stem and progenitors cells and their modes of division. We have been studying several issues related to these progenitor cells in the embryonic mouse, ferret, marmoset, macaque and human neocortex. Recent insights relevant for understanding the evolution of the neocortex will be presented.
