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- オンデマンド講演会
第328回 川崎医学会講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成27年4月20日(月) 16:00・17:00 | |
:: 場 所 | 図書館小講堂 | |
:: 座 長 | 藤田 喜久 |
Anesthesia is harmful to the lung; Can we prevent any damage ?
「全身麻酔は肺に有害である; 肺損傷の予防は可能か?
Dr. Göran Hedenstierna
Senior Professor,
Clinical Physiology, Uppsala University, Sweden
More than 230 million anesthesias are performed worldwide per year. Hypoxemia may occur and postoperative lung complications are frequent, ranging from 2-40% depending on surgery, patient characteristics and definition of complication.
Mortality of 1% may be seen. Do anesthesia and mechanical ventilation contribute to the complications? Atelectasis, i.e.collapse of lung, is seen in more than 90% of the patients and the amount varies from 0-40% of the lung tissue. Atelectasis contributes to hypoxemia and may be a locus for inflammation. In the intensive care setting, large tidal volumes can harm the lung and possibly also during routine anesthesia. A protective ventilatory strategy has been developed with low tidal volume to prevent over-distension, recruitment maneuvers to open up collapsed lung and positive end-expiratory pressure, PEEP, to prevent re-collapse. This package appears to reduce post-operative lung complications. However, there is no consensus on the importance of each component of the strategy and more can certainly be done. Focus has so far been on the anesthesia period per se and less is known about the lungs during wake up and in the postoperative period and that is when the complications appear. Among remaining issues are 1/oxygen concentrations (high oxygen increases atelectasis but does it prevent infection?), 2/emergence from anesthesia (lung volume is reduced by anesthetics, promoting or preserving atelectasis that can be seen for several days after surgery) and 3/postoperative mobilization with focus on restoring lung volume (a simple technique to measure lung volume may be a tool to guide treatment). Improved outcome should thus be within reach.
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