- トップぺージ
- 講演会予定
- 過去の講演会
- オンデマンド講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成27年7月8日(水) 17:30・18:30 | |
:: 場 所 | 図書館小講堂 | |
:: 座 長 | 花山 耕三 |
「Clinical Application of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Rehabilitation Medicine」
Tyng-Guey Wang, M.D.
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
National Taiwan University, School of Medicine
With the advancement of imagining quality, digital processing and software, high-resolution ultrasound (US) has been widely used in the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal disorders. The noninvasive nature of ultrasound makes it well accepted by the patients and physicians. Its dynamic application is unattainable in other modalities. Moreover, the internal structures of tendon and ligaments are better demonstrated by ultrasound rather than other image modalities. Synovial and cartilage thickness can be accurately quantified on sonogram, and providing a quantitative method of following up the effect of treatment. Joint effusion, loose body, tendonitis, as well as tendon and muscle rupture can all be well demonstrated sonographically. This lecture will cover the role of diagnostic ultrasound on musculoskeletal disorder. The diagnostic ultrasound (1) can help to make the differentiate diagnosis or confirmation of the causes of musculoskeletal pain; such as the intra-articular lesion vs extra-articular lesion, the severity of peri-articular tendon, ligament injury, (2) can help to make the decision of treatment strategy; such as the proper position of hand splint for carpal tunnel syndrome to keep the median nerve at the most relaxed position, (4) can help the direct treatment of musculoskeletal disorder; such as sono-guided aspiration and injection. Moreover, with the improving technology, ultrasound can define the characteristic of soft tissue and diagnose the soft tissue pathology before morphology change occurred. Ultrasound has been applied in assessment of swallowing function as well as to be a biofeedback tool in training some specific muscles recently. However, no matter how many benefits of diagnostic ultrasound on musculoskeletal disorders was told, the most sophisticated image study fail to reveal the exact status of soft tissue involvement. Nothing has yet replaced a delicate history and physical examination of the patients. Abnormal image study must confirm what the history and physical examination have suggested. The physician should treat the patient presenting with the symptom not the abnormal image findings.