- トップぺージ
- 講演会予定
- 過去の講演会
- オンデマンド講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成31年4月3日(水) 16:00・17:00 |
:: 場 所 | 校舎棟 M-703 |
:: 座 長 | 西松 伸一郎 |
「Developing Xenopus models of human disease using CRISPR-Cas」
Senior Scientist, Eugene Bell Center for Regenerative Biology & Tissue Engineering
Director, National Xenopus Resource Marine Biological Laboratory
Marko E. Horb,Ph.D.
Historically, Xenopushas been used as an embryological model in biomedical research. With sequencing of both Xenopuslaevisand Xenopustropicalisgenomes, it is now possible to generate gene-specific knockouts in individual genes in both model systems. Biallelicgene targeting in F0 embryos can be used to help elucidate gene function. However, CRISPR-Castargeted mutagenesis often results in variable levels of penetrance and mosaicism, leaving little to be inferred. Thus, it is necessary to breed F1 heterozygous animals to create null homozygous mutant offspring in the F2 generation. This can be a constraint for researchers, as space requirements to maintain multiple generations of a single knockout mutant line can be immense. At the NXR, we have a growing infrastructure suited for housing thousands of animals. In an effort to implement more widespread use of genome editing technologies within the Xenopuscommunity, we have initiated the generation of over 100 Xenopusmutant frog lines in specific genes to model human disease. In this talk I present our progress in generating these Xenopusmutants and discuss how we are trying to improve CRISPR-Casin Xenopus.