- トップぺージ
- 講演会予定
- 過去の講演会
- オンデマンド講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成26年10月27日(月) 17:00・18:00 | |
:: 場 所 | 本館5階カンファレンス室3 | |
:: 座 長 | 春間 賢 |
「Results of a colorectal cancer screening program
in Brazil」
C. R. Teixeira ,Ph.D
Director Presidente,
Fundacao Universitaria Riograndense de Gastroenterologia

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among Brazilian women and the third among Brazilian men and it has been increasing every year. Due to the great variation on the incidence of colorectal cancer between the southern and the northern parts of Brazil, with the southern states presenting a very much higher incidence of colorectal cancer than their northern counterparts, the national health authorities from Brazil have considered to be unbalanced and unnecessary to implement a national colorectal cancer screening program in the country.
The first strategy is to offer the qualitative fecal immune test (FIT) OC-light test provided by Eiken Co. (Japan) to Brazilian patients living in the southern part of the country and who were also covered by the private medical sector.
At this conference, I intend to present the results of a total of 1000 asymptomatic Brazilian patients, 50 years older or more that were offered the FIT test as an option for colorectal cancer prevention. Positive FIT tests cases being all referred for colonoscopy.
On October 2014 during the Japanese society for screening of digestive cancers, the complete results of this first national colorectal cancer screening program in Brazil will be presented, as well as the opportunities and difficulties that were observed in Brazil in comparison to those seen in Japan.