- トップぺージ
- 講演会予定
- 過去の講演会
- オンデマンド講演会
:: 日 時 | 平成29年9月19日(火) 17:30・18:30 |
:: 場 所 | 図書館小講堂 |
:: 座 長 | 樋田 一徳 |
「Smooth muscles and their nerves: forms and doubts」
Giorgio Gabella, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anatomy, University College London
Pitfalls and potential of microscopy are well recognised in the study of smooth muscles and autonomic nerves. Then, why are these tissues still so poorly understood? There are doubts whether ultrastructural microscopy remains able to generate new knowledge. This question I will discuss, morphologically, touching on a few functional aspects of visceral motility. There is constancy and regulation of parameters such as number, spatial density, volume and distribution of cells and organelles in a tissue, in similar cells in different organs or individuals, in cells in various animal species. What is there in common between muscle coats in shrews or mice and in sheep or pigs? Contracting muscles undergo large changes in shape, and impose changes all around, that are hard to follow in organs devoid of a proper skeleton.Metabolic rates, estimated by mitochondria, are high in ganglion neurons, low in glial cells and variable in muscles in different species. Microscopy is strengthened by serial sections, morphometry and quantitation. A potential to produce new knowledge is probably there, even when pitfalls, artefacts, idols and limitations of efforts remain as great as ever.